Thursday, December 22, 2005


Hello, and welcome to my venture into Blogland. I'm journeying here with the help of my daughter Ceryn who has beaten me to it in the family blograce.

I hope to fill the universe with my poetry! "Come back!!" OK, I'll be putting some on here along with some random observations of life, the universe and everything. What I'd really like to do is chat over stuff with anyone remotely interested in what I write, or otherwise place on this blog.

So, I look forward to developing this blog, spending hours on the computer and ignoring the rest of humanity ... hey, perhaps this wasn't such a good idea ... discuss?


Unknown said...

Graham! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Must thank Ceryn for this ;) I look forward to the posts to come :)


Unknown said...

just a thought, ask Ceryn to show you how to put comment moderation on so you don't get spammed

Welshie said...

i love the way I'M showing DAD how to do stuff....! hehehe

Welshie said...

where's the updates....?!

or have you forgotten how to work it...don't worry dad, i'm home in two weeks...